Welcome to The Relaxed Leader!
If you are someone who (1) is in a leadership position (or wants to be a leader) and (2) is ready to learn how to be incredibly successful without burning out, then this might just be something you’ll find valuable.
This entire publication is a labor of love by me, Brandon Jubar. You can learn more about me on the About page but here’s the short version: I don’t just manage, I lead - and I’ve been doing it very effectively for a long time. Now I’m teaching others to do the same thing, which helps their organizations and their careers.
Take Daily Action
Massive change can be achieved one step at a time and anyone can do it. Learning to be a Relaxed Leader will help you clarify what you need to do every day in order to end up handily achieving your bigger, 3 - 5 year goals.
My goal with the Relaxed Leader is to share my thoughts, tactics, and strategies on how to make an impact as a leader wherever you are - no power, authority, celebrity, or movement required. I’m not looking to create a tsunami of change. I’m relying on the ripple effect to make change, throwing one idea out there at a time and causing tiny waves to ripple outward.
RELAX is the Key to Success
You can spend thousands of dollars on an Executive MBA Program from a prestigious institution, but having more letters after your name doesn’t make you a better leader. And the more traditional styles of leadership - those focused on directing and micromanaging - will cause you far too much stress, which negatively impacts you, your coworkers, and your family and friends.
I rely on a formula that I call RELAX:
R = Reflect/Review
E = Empower
L = Leverage
A = Amplify
X = X-factor
I’ll write a LOT more about these in the future but, for now, remember that the best leaders understand their priorities, understand their people, and understand their own unique strengths. The RELAX formula is designed to maximize all of those!
Will you join me on this journey? You can check out the About page to learn more about me and my plans for the Relaxed Leader. But first, take a few seconds to subscribe so you don’t miss a single issue!
And don’t forget the ripple effect: Tell your friends!