The Relaxed Leader
The Relaxed Leader
Episode 12: “All In” on Rituals

Episode 12: “All In” on Rituals

Better to take it one step at a time
Podcast cover art with text, "All-In on Rituals"

Relaxed Leaders focus on making improvements while trying to be considerate of the interests of others – but that doesn’t mean that everything we do has to immediately benefit everyone. In fact, many of the improvements we need to make are improvements to ourselves.

The benefit of self-improvement is that it allows us to do even more impactful work for others.

It’s easy to get fired up and try to make dramatic, wholesale changes to our own lives… but that approach almost always fails. Taking a more incremental, step-by-step approach, is far more effective than going “all in” on a new routine or ritual.

Trying to add a new, complex system of behaviors into our lives overnight is generally a bad idea. It doesn’t mean we can’t change; it just means we have to go about it more methodically and take smaller steps along the way.

We can definitely go from Zero to Hero – just not overnight!

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The Relaxed Leader
The Relaxed Leader
Explore what it takes to become a relaxed leader, so you can experience tremendous success without burning out.
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